Community | employment
Join the FCJ College Council as a Director
Letter from the FCJ College Council Chair – Pauline Fisher
My name is Pauline Fisher, and I am the current Chair of the FCJ College Council in Benalla. As an incorporated body, FCJ College is governed by the College Council, which exercises its governance at the local level in alignment with the vision, mission, and strategic direction of the FCJ Society.
FCJ College enjoys an impressive reputation across Benalla, Mansfield, and Euroa, supported by our increasing enrolment. Our commitment to providing high-quality, authentic, and contemporary Catholic education in the FCJ tradition is steadfast, and we have future capital plans to ensure this standard is maintained and enhanced.
This is an exciting time for our Council as we set the strategic direction of the College for the future. To support our mission, we are seeking expressions of interest for appointments to either the College Council or one of its Sub-Committees.
The College Council meets eight times a year, and we have a subcommittee structure focusing on areas such as Finance, Future Provisions, and Governance and Risk.
If you are passionate about education and wish to contribute to our vibrant community, we would love to hear from you. Thank you for your interest and support.
Warm regards,
Pauline Fisher
Chair, FCJ College Council Benalla
Join FCJ College as Council Director
The FCJ College Council was incorporated in January 2011, as a company limited by guarantee and governed by a College Council, according to their constitution. The FCJ College Council exercises its governance at the local level in alignment with the vision, mission and strategic direction of the FCJ Society. The work of the FCJ Council is to ensure fidelity to the Vision and mission, the provision of quality Catholic education, and the stewardship of resources both financial and human.
The FCJ College Council is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified people to support the work of the Council in its governance functions. The FCJ College Council is looking for directors who are able to share their experience and expertise in one or more of the following:
- Accounting or Finance
- Audit and Risk Management
- Catholic Identity and Mission including formation
- Change Management
- Educational Leadership
- Governance – in either corporate or NFP boards and with an understanding of regulatory standards and governance principles.
- Human Resources
- Marketing and Promotions
- Property Development and Management
If you believe you have the requisite skills set, you are invited to express you interest by 1st November, 2024. Please write to the Council Chair, Pauline Fisher c/o Include your CV, two referee contacts and any additional documentation you may wish to supply.
All Council roles are pro bono.
FCJ College is committed to promoting the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.