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The FCJ College Uniform Shop is located within the grounds of the College.

We have a contract with Noone Uniform who guarantee supply, assist with design and upgrades to our uniform and manage sales out of our existing uniform shop. They have EFTPOS (credit/debit card) as well as cash facilities.

Noone’s Uniform Shop has relocated to a new, convenient location:

📍 St. Joseph’s Church Parish Building 42 Arundel St, Benalla (Between St Joseph’s Church and the FCJCollege Marie Madeleine Centre)

Uniform Shop hours are Mondays 8 AM – 12 noon and Fridays from 12 PM – 4 PM

Contact the uniform shop call 03 47057823

Opening Hours:
Monday 8 AM – 1 PM
Friday 8 AM – 4 PM

Noone Uniform Shop

Uniform regulations

A school uniform, worn properly, leads to a sense of belonging, increases self-esteem and reflects pride in the College. It is expected that students wear the appropriate uniform to the College each day. Students are expected to be always neat and tidy, and to take proper care of their clothes. For safety reasons, jewellery is to be kept to a maximum of one stud per ear, and a watch. Facial piercings, extreme hair colours and haircuts are not a part of our uniform. Students are not permitted to wear coloured nail polish and makeup. Extreme haircuts are determined by staff leadership at FCJ College.

Changeover of summer to winter uniform will occur in the first 2 weeks of Term 2. By the third week of Term 2 all students are expected to wear full winter uniform. The changeover of winter to summer uniform will occur in the first 2 weeks of Term 4. By the third week of Term 4 all students are expected to wear full summer uniform. The FCJ College hat must be worn in Term 1 and Term 4 with winter or summer uniform, however this is at the discretion of the College Principal and will be subject to prevailing weather conditions. The College Blazer is a compulsory item of the FCJ College uniform which must be worn as the outer garment when students are outside the school grounds. This includes school activities, school excursions and travelling to and from school.

Students are not required to wear the blazer with summer uniform unless it is requested for formal occasions such as school assemblies or mass during the year. FCJ College Sports Uniform The FCJ College Sports Uniform is required to be worn to Physical Education classes and sporting days such as the Athletics Carnival, Swimming Carnival, Round Robin and representative sporting events. If a student is not in full sports uniform they may not be able to participate in the sporting event, or a consequence in line with the wellbeing policy will apply. On the day of a double period of Physical Education, students in Year 7 to 10 are to wear their sports uniform to and from school. If the student does not wear their Uniform to class, a note is required from the parent/ guardian as to why this has occurred.

Summer Uniform

  • FCJ College Blazer
  • FCJ College Grey Shorts (boys) Navy Shorts (girls)
  • White Short Sleeve Shirt with logo
  • FCJ College Summer Dress (knee length)
  • FCJ College Dark Navy Blue Jumper
  • Grey socks (boys) White socks (girls)
  • Black leather lace up shoes (no logo)
  • FCJ College Navy Blue School Hat

Winter Uniform

  • FCJ College Blazer
  • FCJ College long or short sleeve white shirt
  • FCJ College Long Grey Pants (boys) Navy Trousers (girls)
  • FCJ College Winter Skirt (girls)
  • FCJ College Dark Navy Blue Jumper
  • FCJ College Tie
  • Navy tights, black or navy socks (must be over ankle)
  • Black leather lace up shoes (no logo)
  • Hair accessories – Navy Blue/White
  • FCJ College Navy Beanie
  • FCJ College Navy Scarf

Sports Uniform

  • FCJ College Sports Shorts
  • FCJ College Sports T-Shirt
  • White socks (must be over ankle)
  • FCJ College Navy Blue Pants
  • FCJ College Sports Jacket
  • FCJ College Navy Blue Bathers (girls)

A reminder

Students are expected to have their top button done up and their tie neat and tidy over the button. It is an expectation that all staff uphold these standards. Please study up on how to tie a tie to assist our students.

Buy & Sell Second Hand Uniform & Books

The college is conscious of the need to provide an efficient process for families to be able to buy and sell their second-hand textbooks, uniforms and other student resources.I am delighted to inform you of the school’s new initiative to provide parents with the ability to trade these second-hand items via the Sustainable School Shop website: www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au The new service is very accessible, it preferences our school first and then provides access to buy and sell items with families attending other schools. Many schools use this service. Access to second-hand textbooks, uniforms, calculators, stationery, musical equipment, etc is available all year.

For the best results:

  • Register on the Sustainable School Shop website and nominate the school
  • A subscription to the service will be provided to you
  • List your items for sale
  • List wanted ads for those items you are looking to buy
  • The school’s uniform and book lists are loaded into the system to make listing ads easy
  • The system matches the ads of buyers with sellers and notifies the buyer via email
  • Buyers contact sellers and arrange where and when to trade
  • Most trading will occur with other parents from our school
  • Parents are well supported via Sustainable School Shop’s telephone (0438 743 444) and email help lines
  • The system is simple and easy to use – If you don’t have a computer, internet access or an email address, please call the Sustainable School Shop for assistance.
  • You can pre-arrange the transaction and then trade after the texts are not required. The college is providing this service so there is no cost for families. Each family that registers on the Sustainable School Shop will be given a subscription.
Visit the Sustainable School Shop here