future families | Why fcj

Principal's welcome

from the principal

The FCJ College Community is a welcoming and vibrant Catholic learning community, steeped in a rich history of serving the Benalla and surrounding region for over 124 years. We are a College that continually strives for the best student outcomes possible, by constantly reviewing our curriculum and practices along with our strong Pastoral Care program.

FCJ College offers a comprehensive school experience to young people informed by the scriptures, modelled on Christ’s love and intent on working in partnership with families. Our aim is to see our students recognise that they have a part to play in the world as persons of competence, conscience and compassion formed in the Christian tradition. We do this by placing our trust in Jesus, our confidence in positive relationships between students and staff,a reliance on a rigorous expectation of personal excellence and a belief that we can all exceed our potential through diligence and courage.

An education procured at FCJ College invites our young people to consider others and not just themselves as they strive to understand their responsibility to make the most of their gifts as part of a vibrant learning community.

Staying well-informed of the latest Educational research and practice, we are a learning community that is keenly aware of the 21st century workplace skills our young people require to succeed in their post school pathways, be it tertiary studies or employment.

Our goal is to create graduates that are resilient, highly skilled, creative and critical thinkers who see the need to make a positive difference in the world. I am sure you will agree after browsing our prospectus that our students are offered rich, diverse and appealing learning experiences, where the focus is on engaging and empowering our young people through the learning process, so that they clearly see the learning intentions and are able to articulate what they have learnt and need to know more about.


College Principal

Meet our Principal

We invite new and existing families to visit our school, meet our Principal Shaun Mason and see our school in action. Tours will be available to showcase our learning and teaching programs.

For further information regarding tours of FCJ College, please contact our Enrolment Registrar Kristy Hanrahan on (03) 5762 1222 or email kristy.hanrahan@fcjbenalla.catholic.edu.au

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