future families | Join us


If you accept a place with us, we are beginning a partnership to last the next six years and possibly beyond.

FCJ College is proud of the high level of education and support offered to all of our students and families. Our wide range of financial options and support for families ensures that education at FCJ College is accessible to all students who meet the enrolment criteria with us. We understand for some families the payment of fees can be of concern, so, from the outset, we encourage you to communicate. Our aim is for each family to feel comfortable talking to us regarding any finance related matter. Our team are available to provide confidential and individual support and work with families to ensure that we can support your family throughout your journey with us.

Please contact our Finance Team fees@fcjbenalla.catholic.edu.au

2024 composite fees

Our composite fees are fully inclusive of all costs required for each student’s core curriculum program. It therefore includes all tuition and subject costs, core camps and excursions and IT resources, ensuring that there are minimal additional charges for families during a school year. Additional charges are required for optional programs including outdoor education, immersions, graduations and formals.

Please note that refunds do not apply to the non-attendance of compulsory activities.


Fees are charged annually with statements provided on a monthly basis. School fee payments can be made by direct debit, BPAY or credit card deduction.

Payment frequencies offered are:

  • Weekly
  • Fortnightly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly

Payment plans should cover the current year’s fees and any carried over pervious balances. Payment agreements are confirming in partnership with families and approved by the Business Manager.

Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund (CSEF)

CSEF funding is available to all families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents. Applications are required to be completed and returned to the College with funding credited to family accounts. CSEF helps ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. Click here to learn more. Please note applications for 2024 close on 28th June 2024.

The form only needs to be completed once during your time at FCJ College, unless your circumstances have changed e.g. change of name, CRN or new sibling commenced at FCJ College.