future families | Learning

Learning Diversity

At FCJ College Benalla we believe in the importance of the individual and the uniqueness of each student.

We are committed to providing a range of experiences that respond to the needs and abilities of all individuals. Our aim is that all students achieve growth in their learning. Within our curriculum students have the opportunity to focus both the core curriculum and areas of interests. Students are encouraged to explore and prepare for future endeavours both through their studies and extracurricular activities.

Opportunities exist for students to extend themselves through such programs as fast tracking (studying VCE Units 1&2 in Year 10), school based apprenticeships, history club, ICAS Mathematics competition, Japanese speech contest, school production and sporting events. Students with extra learning needs are identified both through our induction process and through monitoring school data and parent and teacher feedback.

Once identified, our NCCD team consisting of the Director of Learning Diversity and the Learning Leaders, with support from our Learning Support Officers, create personal learning plans for students which detail adjustments to be made for the student. These plans are evaluated at least twice a year in consultation with teachers, parents, and the student.