
VCE Results 2023

Dec 12, 2023

Congratulations to our Class of 2023!

FCJ College would like to congratulate all Year 12 students across the 2023 VCE and VCE Vocational Major on their results. We are very pleased with our outstanding success rate at VCE and VCE Vocational Major.

We are very pleased to announce that the Dux for 2023 is ELLEN SAMBELL with an ATAR of 97.2. The runner up Dux is HANNAH KUBEIL with an ATAR of 92.25 followed by GEORGIA O’BRIEN with an ATAR of 91.6. We are equally proud of the following students who also achieved ATAR scores over 80: ABBY HAMMOND, JERON JIBY JOSEPH, LAURA FREWEN, SCARLETT SAUNDERS and DAN HURLEY. We are pleased to report that many students achieved to the best of their ability. They have given themselves the best possible opportunity to move on to their preferred next steps in life, whether that be employment, further study, or a GAP year.

• 10% of students achieve ATARs of 90 or above.
• 26% of students earned ATARs over 80.
• 39% of students achieved ATARs of 70 or above.
• 68% of students achieved ATARs over 60.

Other points of interest:

• 26% of Year 12 students achieved at least one study score of 40 or above.
• 9 individual study scores over 40 from 8 students (placing those students in the top 9% of the State for that subject).

FCJ College Principal, Shaun Mason, said that the staff and College community is proud of the efforts of the 2023 cohort. “It is really important to note that we are equally proud of all our students who put in their best effort regardless of whether they completed their VCE or VCE Vocational Major. We are proud to have played a pivotal part in preparing these young people over their six years of secondary school education.”

Mr Mason also said, “The breadth of opportunities available to our students through VCE, VCE Vocational Major and VET has ensured that the senior students at FCJ College have been able to tailor courses to suit their particular needs and interests. Today’s results will enable them now to step forward with confidence and a sense of achievement that opens new doors into their futures. We wish all the students well on the next stage of their journey – FCJ College will always be here to help and advise them as needed, and to celebrate their future successes with them. We hope that they will continue to be as proud of their FCJ College heritage as we are of them.”

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